Sunday, July 21, 2013

New WWE 2K14 Features Released

Here is some new information on the new game features set for the upcoming WWE 2K14 video game…

* The entire navigation system has been overhauled and reanimated including all walking, running, and dragging motions to give the game a more fluid and life-like feel and look.

* Overall Superstar movement has been accelerated, meaning the action is faster-paced and more like what you see on WWE television.

* There is now a “starting up” animation for when Superstars begin running. This leads to a more natural-looking match, where it is more difficult to “spam” running attacks.

* Animation gestures have been added such as adjusting wrist bands, motioning for your opponent to get up, and many more to give a human-like appearance to the navigation system.

* Strike and strike combos are now quicker and snappier, making them faster and harder to reverse.

* Successfully landing a strike combo now puts your opponent in a groggy state, making groggy grapples appear earlier and more frequently.

* Reversing a grapple move now causes the reverser to do a move of his/her own automatically.

* This cuts down on the endless back-and-forth “reversal fest” some users complained of in WWE ’13 while also making the match move faster.

* Catching Finishers can now be executed offensively, by Irish Whipping your opponent to the ropes with a finisher stored or catapulting your opponent up when they run towards you.

* Select finisher moves give you the ability to launch an opponent into the air and then hit them with a Catch Finisher on the way back down.

* New multi-man OMG Moments added to help you gain the upper-hand in multi-man matches. One OMG move can take out two opponents in one shot making it easier to get the win against multiple opponents.

* Double Attitude Adjustment

* Double Shellshock

* Double Chokeslam

* New OMG Moments added to allow you to dole out even more damage using the ring environment.

* Boot-to-head on outside ringpost

* DDT on the apron

* One of the most reviled bugs in WWE ’13 was the dearth of two-counts. This issue has been addressed, bringing back the dramatic near falls you know and love.


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