Wednesday, August 21, 2013

WWE taped this week’s WWE Smackdown tonight from the Rabobank Arena in Bakersfield, California. Below are full results:

WWE Smackdown (Airing on SyFy):

* A steel cage is hanging above the ring.

* Vickie Guerrero opens the show by introducing WWE Champion Randy Orton. He calls himself the face of the WWE, and asserts that he didn’t need Triple H‘s help to win the title. He is interrupted by Daniel Bryan, who says it’s time for a new face of WWE. Bryan says he fought for every opportunity Orton was handed. Bryan wants a shot at the title tonight, but Orton says he has to wait until Night of Champions. Orton holds up the title and Bryan hits Orton with a dropkick, knocking him out of the ring.

* Backstage, Vickie Guerrero fumes over what just unfolded in the ring. Vickie puts Daniel Bryan in a match with Wade Barrett tonight, to take place in a steel cage.
* Curtis Axel w/ Paul Heyman b. Cody Rhodes. After the match, Heyman trash-talked CM Punk. Axel challenges Punk to a title match on Raw.

* Dolph Ziggler b. Big E Langston w/ AJ Lee

* Alberto Del Rio b. Christian by submission with the Cross Armbreaker. After the match, Ricardo Rodriguez came out and introduced Rob Van Dam. Christian took advantage of the distraction and dropkicked Del Rio, allowing RVD to hit a 5-Star Frog Splash on Del Rio.

* Big Show & Mark Henry b. 3MB

* Darren Young b. Antonio Cesaro

* Daniel Bryan b. Wade Barrett in a steel cage match by pinfall with a running knee strike. After the match, Randy Orton ambushed Bryan and beat him down to end the show.

(Links To Watch Will Be Added on Friday)(Stay Tuned ... Ctrl + D)


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