Thursday, September 5, 2013

Dolph Ziggler spoke with MLive about staying motivated despite his ups and downs in the business.

"I love this, I love doing this. I have no desire to switch companies or go to UFC or anything like that," Ziggler said. "I'm very ambitious, and I'm very outspoken about where I should be and where I need to be in the WWE. I love that I've never been one handed anything - ever. If I would've have been handed things, I don't know if I would've been able to enjoy it as much. Every time I turn a corner, it seems like the rug is being taken underneath me. It's like 'Hey, great job!' and then nothing. It's like 'Hey, wow, look what you can do!' and I'll say 'Thanks, boss!' and then there's nothing. And so, it's hard (to stay upbeat), but you have to deal with it and it makes me hungrier every single day knowing that I've scratched and clawed for everything I've earned in this business."

Click Here To Read The Whole Interview


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