Wednesday, September 4, 2013

WWE taped this week’s WWE Smackdown tonight from the Target Arena in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Below are full results:

WWE Smackdown (Airing on SyFy):

* Triple H, Vickie Guerrero & Brad Maddox are in the ring, and several Superstars stand on the stage. The Shield stand guard around the ring. Triple H announces that he is holding a “town hall” meeting, in order to allow grievances to be aired. Triple H says he didn’t want to fire Cody Rhodes, but he gave Cody a chance to keep his job. He then opens up the floor for Superstars to speak out. Damien Sandow says he supports the decision to fire Cody. Kofi Kingston & Rob Van Dam spoke out in support of Cody, while Heath Slater complains about Big Show. Ryback speaks out about how he doesn’t like being called a bully. Triple H responds by putting Ryback in a rematch with Dolph Ziggler tonight. As a “thank you” for speaking out, Triple H puts Kofi in a non-title match against Curtis Axel, and puts RVD in a match with Randy Orton. Triple H notes that Daniel Bryan is not among the Superstars onstage, but Bryan gets the opportunity to face the Shield member of his choice tonight. Triple H introduces Orton, who is competing in the next match.

Randy Orton b. Rob Van Dam w/ Ricardo Rodriguez. Alberto Del Rio was on commentary for the match. Del Rio attacked Ricardo during the match, but RVD stopped him. After the match, Del Rio attacked RVD.

* Backstage, Daniel Bryan tells Renee Young that he was told not to attend the town hall meeting. He has decided to let The Shield decide who faces him tonight, since he assumes the fight will not remain one-on-one.

* Backstage, AJ Lee tells Layla, Alicia Fox & Aksana that she would rather face any of them than anyone on the cast of Total Divas.

* Ryback b. Dolph Ziggler. Dean Ambrose was on commentary and attacked Ziggler during the match, allowing Ryback to get the win.

Kofi Kingston b. Curtis Axel w/ Paul Heyman

* Backstage, Renee Young interviews Paul Heyman about CM Punk.

* Naomi w/ Cameron vs. Brie Bella w/ Nikki Bella ended when Layla, Alicia Fox & Aksana, along with AJ Lee, attacked the Divas competing.

* The Real Americans w/ Zeb Colter b. The Usos

* Triple H tells Big Show to use 3MB to blow off some steam.

* Big Show b. 3MB in a handicap match.

* Daniel Bryan b. Seth Rollins w/ Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns. As Bryan was celebrating his victory, Randy Orton attacked Bryan and stood over him to end the show.


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