Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sting wanted to compete at Wrestlemania

While we cannot confirm most of this, the yearly "Sting/TNA contract talks" are underway as usual. This year will be the toughest to bring Sting back however, as he has mentioned that he would like to retire within the next few years and he did mention he has always wanted to compete at Wrestlemania before he called it quits. While that does not mean Sting is jumping ship, it is interesting to note.

For the last 3 years, WWE has been in contact with Sting in regards to jumping from TNA to WWE once his contract expired each January. Sting has been close to signing with WWE each time but opted instead to go back to TNA. With TNA taking a new direction, trying to focus on younger talent and using more resources for that, as well as the lack of funds to pay several major talents, Sting might land in WWE this time around.

Sting has stated in interviews that he would love to face The Undertaker, because the fans have wanted it for so long. If he does face off against the Deadman, it would have to wait until Wrestlemania 31 if WWE wants to do it at a Wrestlemania, due to a possible 90 day no-compete clause. However, it is speculated that Sting does not have one with TNA as TNA felt for years that Sting would retire with them. While we cannot confirm this, it is rumored that WWE is also in talks with Sting as they have been each year for the past few years. While this does not mean a jump, it is possible as always


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