Wednesday, December 11, 2013

WWE taped this week’s Smackdown tonight from the Moda Center in Portland, Oregon. Below are full results:

WWE Smackdown (Airing on SyFy):

* Daniel Bryan b. Erick Rowan by disqualification when Bray Wyatt interfered. Bryan ended up hitting Bray with a running knee.

* The Real Americans b. Cody Rhodes & Goldust in a non-title match.

* Bad News Barrett had a segment.

* Mark Henry b. Damien Sandow by countout after Sandow walked away from the match. Big E Langston was on commentary for the match.

* AJ Lee & Tamina b. The Bella Twins. Natalya was on commentary for the match.

* John Cena cut a promo about his match with Randy Orton at WWE TLC.

* Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns b. The Usos. Dean Ambrose was on commentary for the match. After the match, CM Punk appeared on the Tron and cut a promo.

* The Big Show w/ Rey Mysterio b. Ryback w/ Curtis Axel. After the match, Rey hit Axel with a 619, causing Axel to walk into a WMD from Big Show.

* Alberto Del Rio vs. Kofi Kingston never started, as The Miz attacked Kofi and hit hit with a Skull-Crushing Finale.

* Randy Orton comes to the ring and apologizes to Triple H. Triple H comes out and tells Orton he accepts his apology just this once.


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