Wednesday, December 4, 2013

WWE taped this week’s Smackdown tonight from the BOK Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Below are full results:

WWE Smackdown (Airing on SyFy):

* Randy Orton opens a show with a promo about his match with John Cena at WWE TLC. He apologizes to the authority before being interrupted by Daniel Bryan. Bryan says he’s first in line for a shot at the Unified Champion, and proposes that he and Orton should have a match tonight.

* Big E Langston b. Fandango. Damien Sandow was on commentary for the match.

* Wade Barrett does a Bad News Barrett segment.

* Kofi Kingston comes out for a match with Alberto Del Rio, but Del Rio attacks him from behind before the match starts.

* The Shield cut a promo who will face CM Punk tonight. After some discussion, Dean Ambrose decides to face Punk.

* Curtis Axel & Ryback b. Cody Rhodes & Goldust

* CM Punk b. Dean Ambrose. No other members of The Shield were at ringside.

* Natalya b. Tamina. AJ Lee was on commentary for the match.

* Rey Mysterio & The Big Show b. The Real Americans

* Wade Barrett does another Bad News Barrett segment.

* Randy Orton b. Daniel Bryan. During the match, Bray Wyatt appeared on the Tron and told Bryan to join them. The distraction allowed Orton to hit an RKO to get the win and end the show.


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