Thursday, June 27, 2013

Brodus Clay Discusses His Spot In WWE

Brodus Clay Discusses His Spot In WWE

SLAM! Wrestling has a new article online featuring quotes from Brodus Clay. Below are the highlights:
Tagging vs. singles:
“I like tagging with T. I think the two go hand in hand,” Clay told SLAM! Wrestling last Monday. “If there was an opportunity for a singles match in a second — but I also like tagging up too. It’s a lot of fun.”
Being left off the WWE Payback lineup:
“I don’t think it was frustrating. You’ve just got to wait for your time and be ready when you get your opportunity,” he said. “Obviously you want to be on every show, you want to do everything you possibly can, but you don’t make those decisions.”
Click here to read the whole article.


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