The unspoken rule of professional wrestling is simple—for every heel turn, there needs to be an opposite face turn to balance the universe.
Now that I have explained physics, wrestling-style, let’s visit the subject as it relates to CM Punk and his “best friend,” Paul Heyman.

Think of this as the $64,000 question the WWE needs to answer. It would appear Punk’s eventual turn (with the help of Curtis Axel) this week and “eventual” confrontation with Brock Lesnar should lead any one of us to ask the burning question, “Who takes Punk’s place in Heyman’s food chain?”
I have been outspoken about the desire to see Punk and Lesnar in the ring and have even questioned whether now is the right time for that volcano to explode. Whether we want it now or not, it looks like we are going to get it.

There will be some stumbling blocks along the way, like a Curtis Axel interference and a subsequent battle between the two “Paul Heyman Guys” but eventually, the two former WWE champions will collide.

Right now, Paul Heyman’s mastery and his hands in so many cookie jars proves how great of a character he is. Picking Punk’s eventual replace will again prove his greatness.
Here are some names to consider.

Rob Van Dam
While we are excited about “Mr. Monday Night” and his return to the WWE and his participation in the WWE Title Ladder Match, we really aren’t sure what his role will be with the company. I think if Van Dam comes back as a “heel” to the company, it really adds intrigue to a potential storyline down the line between him and Punk.

Randy Orton
Paul Heyman walks onto the WWE stage and talks about “The Viper.” It has such a great ring to it. Orton’s character has gotten stale and needs a makeover. Maybe Heyman can do for Orton what he has done for Curtis Axel. They are both third-generation wrestlers who may struggle to remain on top without Heyman’s help.

Cody Rhodes
He is the most underrated wrestler in the company right now. He has gotten better on the microphone and has become the “forgotten” man in the WWE. His entrance in the WHC Ladder Match could make him a star again. His Intercontinental Title reign went virtually unnoticed, which is a shame.

Drew McIntyre
He has a look that could make him a star. As a member of 3MB, it isn’t working. Heyman knows how to make him a singles star. Remember, at one point, he was considered the next WWE superstar and the “Chosen One” of Vince McMahon himself.

David Otunga
This may be the most off-base pick, but hear me out. I personally think Otunga has a look that could be “tweaked” and used in the right situation. The “legal eagle” angle is good but has not been capitalized on. He also has a body from hell and he should be marketed better. Could he join Heyman and his former tag team partner for greatness again?