Monday, June 17, 2013

WWE Payback 2013 Full Results

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Results :

Sheamus def. Damien Sandow (Payback Kickoff Match)

CHICAGO – In a much-anticipated battle of brains versus brawn, Sheamus utilized the latter to withstand an intense challenge from WWE’s self-proclaimed “Intellectual Savior,” Damien Sandow, scoring a rousing, hard-earned victory in the WWE Payback Kickoff Match.
For weeks, the smarmy Sandow posed challenging (and often rigged) mental puzzles to the WWE Universe, endeavoring to prove his cerebral superiority, only to find himself outwitted – and often beat down – by The Celtic Warrior. With a vicious retaliatory assault on Sheamus on the June 7 episode of SmackDown, “The Lord of Literacy” assured that his pre-pay-per-view showdown with the three-time World Champion would be an extremely physical and personal encounter.

That is precisely what unfolded in front nearly 15,000 WWE fans packed into Chicago’s Allstate Arena and watching around the world via live stream on, the WWE App, YouTube, Yahoo!, Facebook, Twitter, Samsung SMART TVs, Google+, Pinterest, Pheed and Xbox 360.
With his customary aggression and brawling mentality, Sheamus went right after his haughty foe, knocking him to the canvas before launching himself off the top rope like a battering ram. Sandow, however, kicked out of The Celtic Warrior’s pinfall attempts and seemed to have all the correct answers to Sheamus’ questions.
When the powerhouse Irishman went for his notorious 10 forearm clubs on the ropes, Sandow escaped to ringside, then pulled out all the stops. After escaping another pin attempt from Sheamus, Sandow continued his aggression and hit the vaunted Cubito Aequet – “the elbow of disdain” – nearly getting the three-count.
Watch the full-length WWE Payback Kickoff
A fighter to the finish, Sheamus managed to power his way through Sandow’s offense. The increasingly brutal battle of attrition appeared to be either Superstar’s contest, but three Irish Curse backbreakers set Sheamus up for the victory with one of WWE’s most devastating and feared finishers, the Brogue Kick.
In WWE Payback Kickoff’s clash, arrogant academic Damien Sandow learned a hard lesson from The Celtic Warrior: The problem with having such a big head is that it makes a mighty easy target for a Brogue Kick.


Curtis Axel def. Intercontinental Champion Wade Barrett and The Miz


CHICAGO – Where there’s a Paul Heyman Guy, there’s opportunity, and at WWE Payback Sunday night, Curtis Axel reinforced that reputation. Capitalizing on an opening afforded when Fandango suffered a concussion, Axel emerged victorious in a Triple Threat Match against Wade Barrett and The Miz to win the Intercontinental Championship – the same title Axel’s father, Mr. Perfect, held for more than 400 days over the course of his career.
All three competitors shined at various stages of the contest. Early on, Axel slid out of the ring to be advised by Heyman while Barrett – who entered the match as the reigning titleholder – and Miz battled it out on the canvas. The former bare-knuckle fighter from Preston, England, went to town on the “Miz TV” host in the corner, but the newest Heyman Guy re-emerged, tossed the champion aside and nailed a “perfect” dropkick to Miz’s jaw.
In the middle of the matchup, the WWE Universe learned exactly what the former ECW owner sees in the third-generation Superstar. For what seemed like an eternity, Axel physically dissected The Awesome One with a series of impressive maneuvers, but once Barrett inserted himself into the proceedings, the Barrage took control.
Later, a refreshed and reinvigorated Miz went on fire, executing a nonstop assault of clotheslines and double-axehandles off the top turnbuckle. When it looked as though Miz had victory within reach, the tough Brit reversed a Figure Four attempt into The Winds of Change, but a pin was interrupted by Axel.
The young challenger was next to get caught in Barrett’s clutches, yet before the champion could successfully administer Wasteland, the son of Mr. Perfect nailed a Perfect Plex, only to have it broken up at two by a desperate Miz. In a dizzying turn of events, the former WWE Champion nailed the Skull Crushing Finale on Axel, but this time it was Barrett who broke up the pin by throwing Miz out of the ring. Barrett went for the cover, but Miz yanked him to the floor. By the time The Awesome One made the cover, too much time had elapsed and Axel kicked out.
Miz soon locked the Figure Four on Barrett in the center of the ring. With Barrett about to tap to the move Ric Flair made famous, Axel conferred with Heyman at ringside. Suddenly, the highly-impressive Heyman Guy took advantage of the situation. Axel dashed into the ring and pressed Barrett’s shoulders to the mat for a three count while the champion was still caught in Miz’s hold.
A stunned Miz looked up in disbelief, realizing what had just taken place. But Axel is now Intercontinental Champion, just like his father had before him, and on Father’s Day, to boot. Because when you’re a Paul Heyman Guy, good things just come your way.


AJ Lee def. Divas Champion Kaitlyn


CHICAGO — In the end, AJ Lee’s plan worked to perfection.
After successfully concluding a sinister plot against her former friend just six days ago, AJ Lee defeated Kaitlyn to win the Divas Championship before a capacity crowd during WWE Payback. AJ capitalized on a rare mental lapse by Kaitlyn that allowed the challenger to apply her Black Widow submission maneuver for the title-clinching victory Sunday evening inside Chicago’s Allstate Center.
Though AJ Lee officially earned the right to challenge for the Divas Title by winning a Battle Royal on Raw, the diabolical Diva tilted the odds in her favor by playing mind games with Kaitlyn in the weeks that followed. One week after AJ became the new No. 1 contender, Kaitlyn started receiving a series of gifts and texts from a secret admirer that, unfortunately for the powerhouse Diva, turned out to be a cruel hoax perpetrated by AJ Lee herself.
The effects of AJ’s plot were immediate, as an emotional Kaitlyn promptly attacked her former Chickbuster partner and later struck a referee during a SmackDown TV taping, earning herself a $10,000 fine in the process. Kaitlyn would also carry that anguish into her match at WWE Payback.
Both Divas played to their strengths in the contest, with Kaitlyn calling upon her arsenal of power moves and AJ using her speed and agility to wear down the champion. AJ delivered several well-timed dropkicks, which were answered with a forceful clothesline or splash by the titleholder.
Momentum appeared to swing AJ’s way when Kaitlyn inadvertently removed the challenger’s studded belt from her tights. With the referee distracted, AJ nailed her former friend with the belt, but even that couldn’t clinch a win as Kaitlyn continued to power through the pain.
Yet it was a rare moment of overconfidence by Kaitlyn that proved to be her undoing. After connecting her signature spear on AJ, the blonde grappler crawled over the challenger and blew her a kiss, which allowed her opponent enough time to recover and kick out of the ensuing pinfall. A second spear attempt left Kaitlyn barreling into the turnbuckle, which allowed her rival to apply the Black Widow. Unable to find the strength, the powerhouse Diva succumbed to her rival’s submission maneuver by tapping out, conceding defeat and the Divas Title as a result.
With the victory, AJ Lee becomes the 15th Divas Champion in WWE history and the third to win the coveted title in Chicago. Kaitlyn, who was consoled after her heart-wrenching loss by former Divas Champions Layla, Natalya and Alicia Fox, officially concludes a championship reign of 153 days, which currently stands as the fourth longest Divas Title reign of all time.


United States Champion Dean Ambrose def. Kane via Count-out


CHICAGO – Facing Kane in his second defense of the United States Championship, Dean Ambrose walked through hell, fire and brimstone and came out smelling like a rose on the other side, standing tall at WWE Payback and taking advantage of a time-honored rule to keep his star-spangled championship from the gloved clutches of The Devil’s Favorite Demon.
Thrust into the last-minute match by Vickie Guerrero following a Disqualification win over Kane on Raw, Ambrose was on the defensive from the start in his inaugural pay-per-view defense of Old Glory, using his speed to avoid the hammering attacks of The Big Red Monster and getting his licks in where he could.

His opportunities were few at first. Kane, in his first singles title bout in two and a half years, spared no animosity in his pursuit of Ambrose’s championship. Perhaps he felt somewhat liberated without Daniel Bryan at his side, or perhaps the urgency of the contest – the U.S. Title remains the only championship Kane has not won in WWE – spurred him to action. But whatever his motivation, Kane was in rare form for the contest, throwing heavy punches and tossing Ambrose around at will in the bout’s opening minutes to literally bring the champion to his knees.
Ambrose’s quick thinking kept him in the running after he targeted Kane’s ankle in an attack that left the big man at a disadvantage from which he never managed to recover. With the former World Champion compromised, Ambrose unleashed his quickness and cruelty, battering Kane and trapping him in the ropes, pausing only for an attempt to mimic The Undertaker’s legendary “Old School” maneuver.

The disrespect to his brother galvanized Kane into a final offensive frenzy, regaining the advantage before tossing Ambrose through the ropes and preparing him for a Chokeslam through the Spanish announce table. But before The Devil’s Favorite Demon could send Ambrose crashing to the cold Chicago ground, the Cincinnati scrapper retaliated with a DDT onto the floor that left Kane unable to reach the ring in time to beat the referee’s 10 count. Ambrose was (understandably) all smiles with his Count-out win and United States title retention, but given Kane’s history, the champion’s own dose of payback may yet follow.


CM Punk def. Chris Jericho

CHICAGO – With all due respect to Kanye West, that’s how you have a Chi-town homecoming.
Windy City native and recently AWOL Superstar CM Punk made his grand return to the ring at WWE Payback in a bout that had a solid chance of not happening at all after he seemingly walked out of WWE the night after WrestleMania. Punk’s absence left everyone with more questions than answers, but while the WWE Universe has certainly thought about him now and then, he showed little impetus of returning to the ring … until Payback unfolded in his hometown of Chicago.

With his back to the wall, the former WWE Champion not only saved face for himself (not to mention Paul Heyman, who accepted Jericho’s challenge on the then-absent Punk’s behalf), but reasserted his dominance over Y2J and earned a fresh start following three heartbreaking losses, all in one fell swoop.
With that being said, it was hardly a cakewalk for the self-professed “Best in the World.”


WWE Tag Team Champions Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins def. Randy Orton & Daniel Bryan

CHICAGO — As it turns out, the sudden and brilliant chemistry between Randy Orton & Daniel Bryan was, in fact, too good to be true.
Mere days after teaming with Kane to deal the Shield its first submission loss in six-man competition, the potent, albeit makeshift, combination of former World Champions appeared poised to unseat well-oiled WWE Tag Team Champions, Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns, at WWE Payback.
Then, fate kicked in, and the “Hounds of Justice” exploited the circumstance when they saw an opportunity to pounce. In a scene that neither Orton nor Bryan will likely forget anytime soon, a rapid-fire exchange among all four competitors led to match-ending miscommunication, resulting in the referee raising the hands of still-WWE Tag Team Champions, The Shield.
Despite a recent history defined by distrust and punctuated by an RKO that Orton delivered to Bryan a little over a week ago, the challengers showed cohesion in the early goings. They were also clear favorites of the WWE Universe, as evident by the way the Allstate Arena erupted with chants of “Yes!” each time Bryan laid a kick into Reigns during the bout’s opening minutes.
The bearded wonder’s flurry didn’t last long, as the bruising power of Reigns — in addition to the textbook, speedy tags between the black-garbed bullies — took over, ostensibly isolating Bryan. Worn down though he was, the persistent Bryan forged ahead and eventually tagged in his partner, who dropped both opponents with draping DDTs and even turned a flying attack by Rollins off the top rope into an organ-quaking powerslam.
At one point, it looked like Orton was readying Rollins for the RKO, but the savvy Rollins rolled to the floor, and attempting to retrieve the Shield member proved unwise: In his pursuit of Rollins, Orton was caught by a soaring Superman punch from the 265-pound Reigns.
But Orton is nothing if not resourceful. After avoiding contact with both members of The Shield in the corner, WWE’s Apex Predator slyly threw Rollins overhead with a T-Bone Suplex into Reigns. The crumpled-up competition was then treated to a series of breathtaking dropkicks from the artful Bryan, whose return to the match thrilled the WWE Universe. Galvanized by the vocal Chicagoans, Bryan then launched himself through the ropes with a suicide dive. Unfortunately for Bryan, Rollins and Reigns shoved each other out of the way and Bryan ended up slamming into his teammate.
Back in the ring, Bryan mustered two consecutive “No!” Locks on Rollins, which — had they not been interrupted by Reigns — may have brought the match to a close. Reigns’ interference inspired Orton to join the fray, and that’s when things truly got messy.
The Viper tried RKO’ing Reigns but the powerhouse threw Orton into Bryan. Orton then sidestepped Reigns’ freight-train-like spear, causing Bryan to be cut in half. Orton then succeeded in dropping Reigns with the RKO, but Rollins ran in, disposed of Orton and landed a frightening leaping stomp on Bryan’s skull for the pinfall.
The loss represents a devastating setback for Orton and Bryan. Not only was the duo on the verge of winning championship gold, but Orton and Bryan also appeared, finally, to be moving past the tumult that impaired their previous outings as a tag team. How will this blow affect their relationship going forward? Judging by Orton’s frustrated body language after the match — his arms akimbo and his countenance screaming “disappointment”— could the characteristically ornery Viper place the blame on the Superstar who’s battled his own feelings  of being a “weak link”?
More important to the WWE tag team division at large, what’s next in store for The Shield contingent of Reigns and Rollins? Having turned back a high-power team the caliber of Orton and Bryan, where does “The Hounds of Justice’s” thunder-and-lightning duo go from here?

WWE Champion John Cena def. Ryback (Three Stages of Hell Match)


CHICAGO — The name Three Stage of Hell began to feel like an understatement by the time WWE Champion John Cena sent Ryback crashing through the roof of an ambulance at the end of their grueling trilogy at WWE Payback. A trip to the underworld would have felt like a weekend at the beach compared to what the Cenation leader and The Human Wrecking Ball put their bodies through in Chicago’s AllState Arena.
In what was only the fourth Three Stages of Hell Match in WWE history, Cena fell to Ryback in the Lumberjack Match that opened their merciless series, but rallied to defeat the monster in a Tables Match and Ambulance Match to retain his WWE Title. To finally stop his seemingly indestructible foe, Cena delivered an Attitude Adjustment to Ryback atop the ambulance, brutally driving the challenger’s 290-pound frame through the unforgiving steel.
It was a shocking visual that perfectly summed up what was one of the most physical rivalries of the WWE Champion’s career. Cena may have grown accustomed to adversaries who were willing to be more depraved than him, but he clearly struggled in the unfamiliar position of a man who was overpowered.
Maybe that’s why the determined Superstar looked uncharacteristically cautious as he approached Ryback in the early goings of the Lumberjack Match. It’s possible that the 11-time WWE Champion was looking to preserve energy in what would be the sports-entertainment equivalent of a marathon, but it’s more likely that the big man had Cena’s number from the jump.


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