Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Randy Orton Did Not Turn ''HEEL''

To clarify, Randy Orton did not "turn heel" during Raw.

He RKOd Daniel Bryan because Bryan knocked him off the apron during the last seconds of the match (albeit after being pushed into him).

He then RKOd Cena because, well, Cena is the champion and Orton has the briefcase. It would have been the perfect time to cash in, but The Shield came back to the ring to prevent it so Orton wisely retreated.

To say that Orton's actions were a heel turn is incorrect. It made sense. He had perfectly good motives as a wrestler to RKO both Cena and Bryan, and storyline wise this puts a big question mark on whether Orton will cash in at Summerslam.

All in all I actually thought it was a good ending. It was suspenseful watching Orton so close to cashing in.


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