Wednesday, August 7, 2013

WWE taped this week’s WWE Smackdown tonight from the BMO Harris Bank Center in Rockford, Illinois. Below are full results:

WWE Smackdown

* Randy Orton beat Rob Van Dam in the opener. RVD missed the frogsplash and Orton came right back with a RKO. The match went just under 13 minutes.

* MizTV with The Miz, AJ Lee and Big E Langston is up next. Dolph Ziggler and Kaitlyn end up interrupting. Because he's host, Miz makes Ziggler and Kaitlyn vs. Big E and AJ for SummerSlam. AJ and Big E jump Kaitlyn and Ziggler but they come back and get the upperhand.

* Fandango (w/Summer Rae) defeated Kofi Kingston. Fandango went over by pinfall with a leg drop off the top rope.

* Daniel Bryan defeated Wade Barrett. Barrett came out fully shaven after the attack from Bryan on Raw.

* Kane defeated Heath Slater, Drew McIntyre, and Jinder Mahal in a handicap match. Kane chokeslammed Jinder for the win. The Wyatt Family interrupted on the big screen and delivered a promo.

* Christian defeated Alberto Del Rio in just under 20 minutes. This was a non-title match and he won with a roll up. After the match, Del Rio attacked Christian but he countered. Christian left Del Rio laying in the ring.

* Damien Sandow came out with his Money in the Bank briefcase and a referee. Before the bell rang, Cody Rhodes ran down and came leaping off the top rope to stop Sandow from cashing in.

Dark Match

*Daniel Bryan, Mark Henry and Rob Van Dam beat The Shield in a dark match main event. The finish came off a World’s Strongest Slam from Henry followed by a 5 Star Frog Splash from RVD.


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