Thursday, November 7, 2013

Big E Langston is The Next "Big Thing"

WWE is said to be high on Big E. Langston. WWE feels that he has a lot of charisma and his ring skill has greatly improved since the start of his career. Many in management feel that he could be a potential World Champion due to his size, mic skill, and charismatic approach.

WWE feels that Langston has done well since his face turn and that giving him a secondary title soon would build him up possibly for Money in the Bank this coming summer. The first idea was to give him the Intercontinental Championship, removing it from Curtis Axel. However, Axel was hurt and missed his match. This led to Big E. taking on Dean Ambrose for his US Title. Both champions are said to be having their titles removed by someone in the near future. It is uncertain which Langston will get, which is why WWE has not automatically given Langston a title shot on RAW or immediately for a PPV just yet.

However, we do know that he will be winning a secondary title in the upcoming months. And we also know that WWE is high on him and hopes he can continue to impress. Some sources claimed that Ryback being pushed down a peg was mainly due to the success of Big E. in that he was the same size with less training and kept on improving while Ryback seemed to never improve and reached his peak.


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