Sunday, November 17, 2013

"The Devil Made Me Do It" ,But Who's The Devil?

Who is the 'Devil' Bray Wyatt Speaks of?

The Wyatts have been on a rampage, first they take out Daniel Bryan with no explanation and then they target Punk, again with no explanation apart from uttering the words "The Devil Made Me Do It". 

So going off of those words, who or what could Bray be referring to?

Triple H:
Obvious choice as he has had issues with Daniel Bran as of late and go back a few years, he also had a run in with CM Punk, although long forgotten, could be bought back up just to add to the feud, and why? Punk is another small guy who Triple H could see as a non deserving spot in the company, despite holding the WWE title for 434 days (wwe logic lol).

Vince McMahon:
Vince coming back and being a fan favourite for the time being and WWE reusing the "IT'S ME AUSTIN!" type story line could play in to it very well and Vince himself could be the 'devil'.

A complete wild card here, Undertaker does have nicknames (well in the past) such as "Big Evil" and "The Red Devil", has also had a satanic style gimmick in the past and not to mention, fits with all this eerie shit that the Wyatts do. It's the most unlikely source, but needs to be there as an option.

Although dubbed the "Devils favourite Demon" wouldn't make any sense as Bray was specifically talking about "The Devil" and seemingly, Kane as aligned himself with the Authority.

Your idea's, thoughts and possibilities?


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