Thursday, December 5, 2013

Why WWE Wants Sin Cara On TV

Luis Ignascio Urive Alvirde  (aka Sin Cara) has been a hotly debated topic this week within the WWE with his re-appearance against Alberto Del Rio on Raw...and winning.

As seen, WWE have placed Hunico under the Sin Cara mask. PWInsider reports that for the mean time, he will remain under the mask and had good feedback from the Del Rio match. However, there have been some discussions for the future in regards to an NXT character possibly taking over the role.

With regards to Hunico taking over, the future of Mistico has also been questioned. There have been question marks as to whether he is even still with the company and may have been released as early as Monday before Raw.
You may also be wondering why bring Sin Cara back? Well, the simple answer is mainly based around merchandise. Sin Cara masks have continued to sell well and are said to sell out a lot at live events. Also, WWE are now looking at "Mistico failing" rather than the character itself which is said to give life to the WWE brand and it's range of characters. 


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