Friday, October 4, 2013

Why You Can't Miss Smackdown | Oct. 4, 2013

Just how much chaos will SmackDown's Handicap Match produce?

For weeks now, Big Show has been living in absolute misery, forced time and time again to do the bidding of “The Authority.” Now, after threatening to KO Punch WWE COO Triple H on Raw and having his marital relations questioned by Stephanie McMahon, The World’s Largest Athlete is scheduled to engage The Shield in a 3-on-1 Handicap Match tonight!
The last time Big Show tangled with The Hounds of Justice on SmackDown, it resulted in open warfare for all parties involved. And considering the pent-up rage that must be consuming the gigantic Superstar, one has to wonder whether three opponents will be enough – even against a combined force as dominating as United States Champion Dean Ambrose and WWE Tag Team Champions Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns.
Plus, who can say what will happen between Big Show and Triple H, who will be under the same roof for the first time since the giant's threat on Raw?

Are Los Matadores in for a dangerous SmackDown debut?

Los Matadores made their celebrated Raw debut on Monday. However, now that they have revealed themselves to the world, who exactly might be gunning to take them down in their encore performance?

While they are already scheduled for their second matchup of the week against the members of 3MB tonight, might a team like The Real Americans step in to try blocking the dynamic team from Plaza De Toros? Or, always ready to dispense their own brand of “justice,” perhaps WWE Tag Team Champions Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns will opt to introduce themselves?

Then again, as fellow masked sensation Rey Myserio once demonstrated with his SmackDown debut, sometimes it’s better to leap in on the action rather than wait for it to come to you. After all, “we fight on Friday night.” So, it’s entirely possible that we could see Los Matadores charge into somebody else’s bullring.

Will Del Rio bare his hardcore teeth against Ziggler?

There are many that feel that the extreme nature of the World Title Battleground Hardcore Match taking place this Sunday favors the ECW Original No. 1 Contender, RVD. And it’s this very notion that World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio will certainly be looking to crush on the blue brand tonight when he takes on Dolph Ziggler.

It’s ironic, then, that the Mexican titleholder must prove his ruthlessness against the likes of The Showoff. After all, it was back at WWE Payback that Del Rio reclaimed the gold from Ziggler, capitalizing on his opponent’s recent concussion with an absolutely unrelenting assault.

However, Dolph as prepares for his own WWE Battleground showdown against Mr. Money in the Bank, Damien Sandow, Del Rio’s task could quickly Zig Zag out of control.

Who will run the floor when RVD dances with Fandango?

Speaking of hardcore, it’s worth noting that ECW Original Rob Van Dam is every bit as graceful as a Superstar like Fandango … just in a much more smash-mouth, hardcore kind of way. Will the high-flyer make beautiful music when he goes head-to-head with the dancing competitor so close to his World Heavyweight Title Match at WWE Battleground? Or will the cunning twinkle-toed maestro do a vicious two-step all over RVD’s pay-per-view momentum?

Can Kofi shake off horror of The Wyatt Family?

On Raw, Bray Wyatt and his creepy followers launched a dominating assault on former Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston. But why did they attack The Wildcat?

Regardless of the reason, the bigger question is whether “The New Face of Fear” plans for more when Kofi goes to battle against Big E Langston tonight
(Links To Watch Will Be Added Before The Show)(Stay Tuned ... Ctrl + D)


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