Friday, October 11, 2013

CM Punk Needs Time Off

CM Punk is banged up, and has been for a while. He took time off earlier in the year, but it didn't seem like it was enough. The former WWE Champion could take some time off due to lingering knee and back problems, so he can gear up for the Wrestlemania 30 build-up. 
The thought is that with Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton on top, and the addition of a John Cena possibly being around sporadically, Punk has the room to take time off to heal himself. In saying that however, if there were to be yet another injury for a top guy, Punk would probably be back sooner, rather than later. Ideally, he'd want to be back at the first of January from what we're hearing. 
But the problem is that WWE could need him before that.


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